PLEASE Note: The Applicant has suspended the processing of this application pursuant to s91A of the Resource Management Act 1991. The processing is suspended until 11 April 2022 or until the Applicant requests that the processing be resumed, whichever is the sooner.
For this reason the hearing set down for this application commencing Monday, 11 October 2021 has been cancelled.
Background: The Marlborough District Council has applied for resource consent to take water from the Waima (Ure) River for the irrigation of the Flaxbourne area and for the Ward township community water supply. This web portal contains all of the notified application documents and public submissions received by the Council as at 13 August 2021. Additional documents provided by the applicant, the consent authority and submitters will also be uploaded to this portal as they become available. Please click on the ‘Documents’ tabs below to see the list of documents under each section.